jeudi 13 mars 2008

Day Fifty Three Cent

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That's Tony...Him and I are turning into museum's geeks...Yesterday we did British Museum and National Galery and Today we did half of the Tate with the other half coming up tomorrow...

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A little flashback from yesterday. This is Trafalgar Square and it used to be my worst nightmare because of the thousands of pigeons flying all over the place...It turns out much better because supposely they put some hawks on the spot, even if i didn't see them...

The Tate is a nice chill out museum. Prolly because it's not as central as the others, it's less crowdy...It runs a nice English and International collection from the 18th to the modern days...I really appreciated the works of William Blake : he's a UK painter/poet who mixed religious mythology and actual facts. This piece below is entitled "Teach these souls to fly" (1796)...inspiring isn't it?

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Another room i really liked was the Vorticism movement which is based on geometrical pieces and movements but can also represent an actual scene...This piece is "The Soul Of The Soulless City (New York - an Abstraction)" (1920) by Christopher Richard Wynne Nevinson.

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I don't know from what collection this next piece comes from but i'm always glad when artists use their art in an attempt to change society...

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