Yesterday was my dad's 79 birthday so we had a nice familly reunion...
That's Pop's, good days or bad days i gotta have love for this man for raising an asshole like me for the past 27 years...yeah he kinda deserves a nobel price for that...
I think he really raised my sister and i in a great way, not holding our hand but always on the side of the road if we needed him...and when i think about the most important days of my life, i still remember this 6 in the morning conversation with him...i had insomnia, princess diana just died...i told him i wanted to pursue a career in music and he said that i had to do what i felt otherwise i wouldn't be happy in life...and a couple of years later, he put some money in Drink Water Music (my label) no matter how much of a jerk he can be sometimes (cuz he mos def can...), i'll always pay my respect to this man...and i love my mom too by the way (she's gonna kill me if i don't mention her somewhere along with their pic)
Family reunions are always a great moment to verify the Phuong family mythology...
so tonight, we heard some crazy stories about my Grand Pa and some other family members...war, fancy women, smoking/traficking opium...all these crazy things to us were their everyday life...
see our fam is prolly more gangsta than most italian clans (i know Angelo's gonna be mad at this one...haha) ... So my Grand Pa died of an opium overdose...true story...he smoked a lot with my cousin's other Grand Pa... whenever they would get otgether, they'd do the family duties for a minute and then go in a room upstairs to smoke together in what seems to be a's amazing that my cousin who's in his 50's remember all this vividly...he told us how when he was 12, his Grand Pa would send him to this house in their village in Kampot (Cambodia) to buy opium cuz only a kid wouldn't raise the attention of cops...How they prepared the opium and turn it from liquid to smoke...He also told us that whenever they'd smoke together, a geicko would come down from the ceiling to hang out with them and when his Grand Pa died, the geicko died also...So i now take this geicko as a family stamp..
Yeah our Gran Pa's were that much Gangstas...
Here's a pic with three generations of the Geicko clan...of course we had the two opium smokers in mind at the moment...
L to R : Me, Pop's, my cousin and super story teller Kok, his two sons André and Fred
2 commentaires:
Je suis bien placée pour savoir que le soutien de nos parents mais aussi de nos proches amis est un trésor à garder précieusement. On se doit aussi de donner en retour... "Hapiness is only real when shared"
La fameuse Phuong mythologie !
Bon Anniversaire à Pop's Phuong...
Tiens moi au courant lors de ton prochain périple à Panam' moins overbooké car on était full dispo. On se fera un petit NBA street sur PS3... peace !
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