after having lunch in Chinatown, we went to a couple of museums : British Museum and National Galery. There were some very interresting things to see but of course...i forgot the camera...
so imma put some uninterresting facts about my everyday life...
- this is the cornerstone of my fooding
soup is good and healthy but the real deal is that it's cheap..haha
however there are many different favours...of course, it won't replace my passion for meat but it's fine.
- this is what keeps me sane
you're prolly wondering two things
1/how come you don't smoke dunhills anymore?
- well actually they stopped manufacturing the menthol ones so i went for the malboro but they're not as good...
2/why are you smoking packs of 10's?
- simple answer : packs of 20 are 5.80£...yeah i should simply stop smoking...
- this is what keeps me entertained
they play 2 episodes of friends a day on E4, they play them twice : at 6pm and 8pm...BUT there's also E4+1 which is basically E4 one hour if you want you can watch the same 2 episodes 4 times in a row...yeah what a fun life i must have...
1 commentaire:
they stopped manufacturing the menthol dunhills ???
it can be ! they were working on some new packagings for the whole range this summer..
and its not like they can stop in the UK, i mean, they are BRITISH american tobacco
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