jeudi 24 janvier 2008

Day Four

Morning Quizz...So three people live in this flat on a daily basis...Andrew, Angelo and Stef...
How many toothbrushes do they use???
See for yourself !

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As soon as i woke up, i got a call from a recruiting agency and got a meeting with them on monday which is pretty Angelo, Andrew and i are gonna have a nice and healthy lunch..fried potatoes and fried salmon...and then it'll be all about sending cv's again...
Today is thursday so tonight i'm going to Jazz re:freshed in Porto Bello, it's one of the dopest live/Dj gig in town...

1 commentaire:

SeeDreeks a dit…

Réponse : une matin, une midi, une soir ?? non ? lol

Sympa tu vas shooter aussi lors de ta soirée re:freshed ?
