So after this great interview with this very cool recruiter named Abi, i joined Angelo in an HMV next to Picadilly cuz some friends from Italy came over for a video games tournament...yes they are pro video games players ... yes they travel the world and make quite a lot of money with it...crazy isn't it? when i arrived they just had sushis so just the thought of food got me to think about how much i was resisting BK since i arrived...but anyway, i think someone is holding me off to go this way cuz here's the conversation i had with the lady at the counter...
"Hi, can i have a number 2 : double whooper meal to go with chips and sprite please?"
"yes, 9£88 please..."
"huh? i just want one meal, not two..."
"you said two !"
"no i said i wanted a number 2 which is the double whooper meal..."
"ok wait..."
she went to get my burger...
"4.39£ please..."
(me mubbling) "that's a regular whooper you're giving me not a double but nevermind..."
"...and here's your coke...enjoy your meal ! "
"hummm ok thanks"
so i went back home...and everytime i take bus 13, it drops me to Dorset Square, just a min from Balcombe's what it looks like...
So you're prolly wondering why the heck is he showing us a square just like the thousands of other squares in LDN...because according a some believers (i.e Steph and Sandrine) Dorset Square inspired the set of one of our fav animations "Princess Sarah"...ok, i admit it looks kinda similar but let's not push it that far, it looked like any other square in LDN...i'll let you make the call !
2 commentaires:
cant believe you stayed away from bk for 10 days ..
i couldnt wait a minute !
Tout pareil moi j'y vais des les premières heures que je suis à Londres mouah ha ah !
D'ailleurs je voulais te conseiller un resto mais je ne trouve plus la carte... c'est un asiatique sur Oxford Street qui fait des sortes de ramens (mais ce ne sont pas des japs) et il fait les nouilles devant sa vitrine. Je me suis régalé là-bas. Si tu le trouve fais moi signe, sinon on ira ensemble lorsque que je passerai un de ces 4 !!)
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